Project purpose and goal
Mabel is self-employed, with over 15 years' fashion experience, and reached out to me, as she wanted both an online portfolio and a blog, that she will be able to manage by herself.
Web proj and explanation
UX Design considers user experience to be of paramount importance to the successful development of any website or mobile web project. The visuals provided by creating wireframes were very important in the developing.
Leverage the powerful new combination of Gatsby and Netlify CMS, a free open source content management solution, to build blazing fast apps.
Problems and thought process
The complexity of the blog was challenging: there are 3 main sections, with sub-sections. In order to build a CMS route for each one, in the gatsby-node.js I had to: create markdown pages, count the blog posts and create blog-list pages.
Lessons learned
Source plugin for sourcing data from Instagram: querying the Instagram Graph Api using a provided access_token.
Netlify CMS is built as a single-page React app. Created custom-styled previews, UI widgets, and editor plugins.
Let's build something together
Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have questions, or just want to connect via LinkedIn.